REETEX, LTD takes pride in the work and attention to detail for our clients. Customers rely on REETEX to design a perfect water treatment system for their needs. Our clients include:
- British Petroleum
- BTEC Turbines
- Burns & Roe Enterprises
- Conoco
- Crown Mountain Development
- Expresstech
- Exterran
- Exxon Baytown
- GE Power Systems
- Haldor Topsoe, Inc.
- Marathon Oil
- Neste Resins Corporation
- Pioneer gas Plant, Wyoming
- Rio Tinto, Kennecott Copper, Utah
- S&W Energy Services
- SBM Offshore
- Shintech, Plaquamine, La
- Siemens / Exxon Singapore
- Texas A&M University Power Plant
- University of Texas Power Plant
- Valencia Refining
- Waller Engineering

- Calpine
- Acadia Energy Center
- Baytown Energy Center
- Channel Energy Center
- Fox Energy Center
- Freeport Energy Center
- Metcalf Energy Center
- Osprey Energy Center
- Pastoria Energy Center
- Rocky mountain Energy Center